How to get more views on YouTube

Publication date: 29 Jul 2019

What videos are most viewed on YouTube?

YouTube videos that feature children under the age of 13 receive three times as many views as videos without children, a new study by Pew Research Center found.

Pew listed popular YouTube channels (with more than 250,000 subscribers) and analyzed all of the videos that those channels released during the first week of January 2019.

While only a small number of English language videos were targeted at children, they still received more views on average than videos targeted at different types of audience.

According to Pew, all videos that starred a child under the age of 13 received almost three times as many views as other types of videos.

What keywords give higher views?

Pew Research Center found out what keywords are associated the highest number of views on YouTube. Here is the full list of the top 20 keywords from Pew’s study that are used in titles of English language videos on YouTube:

  1. Fortnite
  2. ASMR
  3. Slime
  4. Rainbow
  5. Prank
  6. Worst
  7. NFL
  8. Makeup
  9. Moment
  10. Wrong
  11. Eating
  12. PubG
  13. NBA
  14. Ultimate
  15. Hack
  16. FIFA
  17. Player
  18. Mystery
  19. Insane
  20. Roblox

While examining keywords used in YouTube video titles and descriptions, the study also discovered a common practice amongst popular channels.

In particular, 7 in 10 videos mentioned other social media platforms. Most often these were Twitter (58% of all videos), Facebook (51%), and Instagram (50%). According to experts, these references also allow getting higher view counts.

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