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How to find competitors’ winning combinations? Which offers are they promoting, what traffic sources are they using, and which landing pages are they sending traffic to?

To launch a successful advertising campaign, it is important to quickly obtain this portion of information. Therefore, we recommend our partner – SpyOver, which covers native and push advertising in 150+ geos.

The service has two sections: Ads and Landing Pages, each with detailed statistics for each teaser and target page.

Benefits of working with the service:

  • Monitoring: new advertising campaigns, long-running campaigns, performance dynamics.
  • Ready-made solution for target audience: identify successful launches in traffic sources, geos, publishers, devices, browsers.
  • Download ads and landing pages. Special built-in tool, Site Loader, allows you to download a landing page or website in a zip format.

And for 3Snet webmasters, there is a  33% OFF discount coupon 3snet_bro for the first month of payment for any tariff.

SpyOver saves time and eliminates routine processes because within minutes, you get tons of advertising creatives and landing pages for detailed analysis.

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